Mice, rats, and occasionally squirrels are highly adaptable creatures that can find their way into homes in Texas. They possess the ability to climb, jump, and even chew through various materials. To assist you in achieving effective rodent control, here a comprehensive and concise guide that covers all the necessary aspects of safeguarding your home from these resourceful animals and enjoying a pest-free living environment

1) The Common Rodents Found in Texas:

The most common rodents found in Texas homes are rats and mice. House mice are so small that they can slip into your home through tiny openings. Moreover, they breed quickly, producing up to six litters per year with four to seven pups each time. Roof rats are larger and more destructive, chewing through wood and electrical wires.

Other rodents that you may find in Texas are Norway rats, which are larger and more aggressive than roof rats, and deer mice, which carry Hantavirus. Being aware of the type of rodent enables you to implement appropriate measures to eradicate them from your home.

2) Signs of Rodent Infestations:

Rodents leave their trails in form of droppings, gnaw marks, and sightings of live or dead rodents. Therefore, whenever you notice any of these uncanny items in your home, it’s a red flag for you. You may also hear scratching or scurrying noises in your walls or attic.

3) Preventing Rodent Infestations:

Preventing rodent infestations requires a combination of sealing up entry points and setting traps. Start by inspecting your home for small openings that rodents could enter. Seal them up with caulk, foam, or steel wool. Keep clutter to a minimum, and store food in airtight containers. You can also set snap traps or glue boards to catch rodents.

4) Professional Rodent Control:

Severe rodent infestationcallfor professional help. A pest control company can instantly assess the extent of the problem and implement the most effective solution. This may include using baits or traps, as well as sealing up entry points to prevent future infestations.

5) Maintaining Rodent Control:

Once you’ve successfully gotten rid of rodents in your home, it’s essential to maintain control to prevent future infestations. Here are some tips to do so:


Rodent control in Texas is a serious matter that requires homeowners’ attention and effort. With the right knowledge and actions taken, you can successfully prevent and control infestations, maintaining a clean, healthy, and pest-free home. Whether you choose to do it yourself or opt for professional help, the key is to be proactive and vigilant so that you can continue living in a rodent and worry-free environment.

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